Leggendo "Il negativo" di Ansel Adams, a pagina 217 della versione in inglese, ho trovato:
"After the final wash, remove the negatives and immerse them for about one minute in a very diluite solution of a wetting agent such as Kodak Photo-Flo.
Keep the negatives separated in this solution but do not agitate vigorously, to avoid foaming of the solution. The wetting agent allows the water to run off the negatives freely, and should permit drying without the need to wipe the film.
If you do find your negatives show water spots while drying, you should carefully wipe them off with a tuft of clean cotton or a soft rubber squeeqee after treatment in the wetting agent".
Uso da qualche mese una spugnetta di simil pelle di daino per asciugare i negativi e non ho piu' avuto problemi... Grande Ansel Adams!