Estratto da un Datasheet della Ilford:Intermittent agitation is recommended for use in spiral tanks and deep tanks. Continuous agitation is recommended in dishes/trays by rocking the dish/tray. With spiral tanks, invert the tank four times during the first 10 seconds, then invert the tank four times again during the first 10 seconds of each further minute. Otherwise, follow the recommendations given by the processing equipment manufacturer.
Estratto da un Datasheet della Kodak:Small-Tank Processing (8- or 16-ounce tank) With small single- or double-reel tanks, drop the loaded film reel into the developer and attach the top to the tank.
Firmly tap the tank on the top of the work surface to dislodge any air bubbles. Provide initial agitation of 5 to 7 inversion cycles in 5 seconds; i.e., extend your arm and vigorously twist your wrist 180 degrees.
Then repeat this agitation procedure at 30-second intervals for the rest of the development time.
Estratto da un Datasheet della Foma:Agitate continuously for first 30 seconds of development, then provide agitation of 5 to 7 inversion cycles for 5 seconds every 30 seconds for remainder of development time.
Where continuous agitation is used for rotary processor, reduce the developing times by 15%.
Estratto da un Datasheet della Fuji:To prevent the appearance of development marks and assure uniform finish, agitate the developer continuously for the first minute and for five seconds every minute.