giovedì 27 settembre 2012
Tempi di sviluppo EFKE 25 dal sito di Fotokemika
KB-25 and R-25 are orthopanachromatically sensitized thin-layer black-white negative films of very fine grain, which proporties together with the coinciding grade provide the highest possible edge sharpness. KB-25 and R-25 resolving power is 115 lines per milimetre. These films find their applications particularly in technical and professional photography. Sensitivity of Efke 25 is 14 DIN (20 ASA, ISO 20/14° GOST 18), but by developing in coinciding developers effecting Efkes sensitivity utilization may be even twice increased to 100 ISO.
Alcuni tempi interessanti (tutti a 20 gradi):
Rodinal 1+50 : 8 minuti
TMAX 1+4 : 5 minuti
D76 1+3 : 10 minuti