Il modello e' "PDC 011/02" e l'ho pagato 30 euro su Porta Portese.
domenica 30 ottobre 2011
Acquistato timer Philips per camera oscura
Il modello e' "PDC 011/02" e l'ho pagato 30 euro su Porta Portese.
mercoledì 19 ottobre 2011
Sviluppata Kodak TMAX 3200
Scattata con la Nikon AF600 panorama che al massimo espone per i 1000 asa.
Sviluppata in rivelatore Kodak TMAX 1+4 a 24° per 7,5 minuti
3 agitazioni in 5 secondi ogni 30 secondi
Fissaggio da 6 minuti ilford rapid fixer
martedì 18 ottobre 2011
Note per sviluppare in stand con Rodinal
I stumbled onto Rodinal 1:100 stand development about a month ago, and after 40? rolls of film I have had only one film that was less then optimal.
The list of films I have developed -
Tri-X EI 6400
Rollei Retro 100
Rollei Retro 400
Pan F
Efke KB25
Efke R25
Efke KB100
Efke KB100 EI 200
Efke KB400
Efke KB 400 EI 3200
Ektapress 1600
Kodak Gold 100
Konica Centuria 100
Agfapan 25
The best emulsions for Rodinal 1:100 stand development are the Efke film with the Efke 25 simply mind-blowing...
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Films that are shot at speed - 35mm -
Several minute water bath
Rodinal 1:100 - disregard temperature unless extreme heat or cold
1 minute of slow inversions, maybe 20 in 60 secs
3 really hard thumps to dislodge air bubbles, very important
DO NOT TOUCH for 59 minutes, a couple minutes extra will not harm anything(the DO NOT TOUCH is very, very important)
3 water baths then fix and rinse
For medium format, I change the dilution to 1:125 and be sure to use 500mm of solution per roll. Everything else the same.
Pushed film, such Tri-X EI 6400 or Efke KB400 EI 3200...
Several minute water bath
Rodinal 1:100 - disregard temperature unless extreme heat or cold
1 minute of slow inversions, maybe 20 in 60 secs
Every 30 minutes swirl the tank, like you would a glass of wine, for 15 seconds. Do not invert!
Total time - 120 minutes
3 water baths then fix and rinse
That is it.
Some notes...
Expose for the highlights, you will have no trouble with shadow details. Very important to not over-expose as you can quickly lose highlights, if in doubt under-expose a bit.
Negatives will come out of the tank quite 'flat', even when shooting a very high contrast scene. Add contrast when printing or scanning.
venerdì 14 ottobre 2011
Info pellicole Kodak T-Max in rivelatore Kodak T-Max 1:9

Le seguenti informazioni sono estratte dall'articolo "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully" di John Sexton.
T-MAX films require no real difference in exposure technique for most applications. One important difference is that the T-MAX films (T-MAX 100 in particular) have greatly improved reciprocity characteristics compared with most other films. Kodak Publication F-32 gives some useful, and accurate, starting points for reciprocity compensation.
This means the films maintain their speed much more effectively with long exposures.
I prefer the following procedures for normal contrast.
T-Max 100 EI-80 T-MAX 1:9 11 min @ 75FThe times below should be good trial data for roll film agitated for 5 seconds every 30 seconds.
T-Max 400 EI-320 T-MAX 1:9 10-1/2 min @ 75F
I use ALL developers one-shot.
This data is for a typical diffusion enlarger.
For negatives to be printed by condenser enlarger reduce the above times by approximately 20%.
In pratica questi sono i tempi da usare in gradi centigradi e per ingranditori a condensatore:
T-Max 100 EI-80 T-MAX 1:9 9 min @ 24C
T-Max 400 EI-320 T-MAX 1:9 8,5 min @ 24c
giovedì 13 ottobre 2011
Quantitativi di liquidi da usare con le tank ap
La tank ap richiede 375ml di "brodo" per un 35mm e 590ml per un 120.
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